We have had a number of questions about how we will select prize-winners given that there are still a few hundred with top marks. The answer is outlined in rule 15:
- 15. The prize committee will invite the top performing teams and individuals to submit a short description of their method of solution for Challenge 10B, together with any software used in that solution (also see rule 13). They will take into account the ingenuity of the solution, quality of any code submitted and clarity of explanation when arriving at their decision.
The committee will use the total points won in the part B challenges as a first filter, followed by accuracy score on Challenge 10B, then actual speed of submission for 10B to determine up to 20 teams/individual entrants, who will be invited to submit their description as described in the rule. All decisions by the committee about who to invite to submit an account, and how to award the prizes, are at the discretion of the committee and are final.
The prize committee cannot enter into any discussions about their decisions so please don’t ask for more details, as they won’t be able to reply.
Although we only have a few major prizes to award, we will be able to invite many more teams to join us for the prize-giving event at Bletchley Park on February 19th, so even if you don’t get invited to submit an account of your solution, you still might get offered a ticket. It is a fabulous day out, and an honour to be invited to the even to receive your medals and certificates, and we always look forward to it.
Good luck,