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The National Cipher Challenge

Yet another 10B post

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    Also, what do we do with 3569?


    Hey Harry, I really did like all the hints that have been given, however, I am yet to understand what Case File 10.6 and 10.7 are alluding to. Could you give a hint or your way of interpreting it? Does it have to do with Case File 10.5 (where the characters all had the same frequency [edited by Harry])? and in my previous comment you said to not read into your censoring of my guess of the cipher, which has lead me to reconsider what each hint is trying to say, but I don’t know if you mean to ignore that fact you censored it or to stop trying it all together.


    I meant you should ignore the fact that I censored it! Harry


    Is 10.8 referring to something other than what it seems to be alluding to?


    After slouching away trying to solve 10B for days and finally getting it, here’s my advice:

    keep it simple


    A possible hint, if allowed, courtesy of Douglas Adams:

    “O Deep Thought computer,” he said, “the task we have designed you to perform is this. We want you to tell us….” he paused, “The Answer.”
    “The Answer?” said Deep Thought. “The Answer to what?”

    “Everything!” they said in chorus.
    Deep Thought paused for a moment’s reflection.
    “Tricky,” he said finally.


    Draw a Cooke-Wheatstone telegraph with six needles (one extra row from the one in the case files) and split the ciphertext into blocks of 6. It then makes sense. The case files have lots of good hints.


    I cannot imagine what level of intelligence it takes to break this cipher. Most of my progress was made on the first day, but then I got stuck the whole time, trying to figure out how the characters are grouped. Well done, this cipher is a desperately challenging one : (


    Thank you!! Harry


    Mice and men? WAT?


    Ok Harry, I really hope you can answer this because I’m losing hope here! 😔
    Am I right to assign the different trigrams a letter? In which case I got "abccdefbeghijjekklkejjeglimknbihckopeqqdmhrbqfsktakneemsumtvojijmbdjltklemokwjejujjknelhlklpegaxbcejcdgbhb......"
    But then substitution leads to nothing, the frequencies are really funky and don’t seem flat enough to be a Vigenere but also not normal enough to be Transposition.
    Was my first step correct though? If it wasn’t, please reply with something even if you have to censor some of this. Although I don’t think I’ve said anything that people haven’t already tried.

    I think there are too many trigrams in the cipher text for there to be one per letter, and in any case the fact that the individual characters appear exactly the same number of times suggests that it is unlikely that the cipher works like that. Did you look into the clue in Case File 10.8? It could be very helpful, and even if you don’t immediately see how, it is worth researching it to see if anything clicks. Good luck, Harry


    I noticed that out of everything, is the title part of the clues?


    How does it work when there isn’t a | in the first 3 characters?

    Ah, that is an excellent question! And the answer to it is the first step on the path to enlightenment! How might you fix that problem? Harry


    Doubting whether that is helpful or not, considering this is meant to be the hardest challenge.


    Does it have anything to do with block ciphers?


    The_Bombe, where you referring to Challenge 9, because that is how you do it.

    And can anyone else give a hint on what 10.6 and 10.7 are trying to make you think about? At this point I have all the information on the table, but for some unprofound reason I can’t piece together the jigsaw. To be honest I am starting to give up on this one…


    Case File 10.8 is the really important one, though you have to think about it once you understand what it is telling you! Harry


    I havent actually solved 10b yet, but if you need a hint to what the cipher is, what can you read at 10.8 case file

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