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The National Cipher Challenge

Yet another 10B post

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  • #99238

    Is it likely that 10b is a mix of all the past challenges ,using similar keys and ciphers, or is it something completely new?
    This is my first time doing this and I have no more ideas


    I am going to continue with my solving but I presume that it is a similar cipher to what we did ast year. we will have to see though


    I have compiled a list of ideas but none seem to go anywhere.

    – Trifid Cipher (I have tried so many group sizes)
    – Substituting every three characters (e.g /// with a) and then trying vigenere or autokey
    – Morse Code with another layer afterwards (. = \ and – = ||)
    – Trifid followed by vigenere or autokey
    -Trifid followed by transposition cipher

    Dear Harry, please tell me if one of these is correct. And could the next hint be a little more revealing? Thanks.

    The clues will get more revealing, but only slowly. This is a tough cipher but if we give too much away at once it will become an easy one! Harry


    That’s basically all the things I’ve tried also! I also tried changing each symbol into 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C and trying the trilateral cipher. But everything seems to point to trifid, but I can’t get it to work…


    Surely it can’t be the trifid cipher, as it was invented in 1902/1901/1893? (depending on sources) The story takes place in 1851, so unless time-travel exists (which is implied in the BOSS case file archives), it shouldn’t be encoded using the trifid cipher.
    That being said, I still have no clue what the cipher is. my brain has turned to mush.
    send help.



    How does a trifid cipher work?

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