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The National Cipher Challenge


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  • #98469

    Looking at it, I realize that I called factorial() twice for each iteration, which is too inefficient. Here, I fixed it:

    def nth_permutation(n,objects):
        perm = []
        n -= 1
        while len(objects) > 0:
            k = factorial(len(objects)-1)
            m = int(n/k)
            n -= m * k
        return perm

    @ByteInBits, you said

    Normally I would smile and let it pass but I have to take issue with you
    to come to some understanding.

    In post #98171 you state:
    @ByteInBits, your MD5 sum is for the NEXT permutation. By my example, you should start with 1 and not 0.

    This make you incorrect with the entry number!!
    (standard practice doese not start at 1, and you never stated the deviation)

    But I did. When I said:

    Notice that I listed them in a sort of numerical order: 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321. There are 3! = 6 of them. If I were to ask you what is the fourth permutation of 1, 2, 3, you should answer “2, 3, 1”. OK, got it?

    I was very careful about making sure the list started at 1, so I said “fourth” instead of “third”. I even stopped to ask if everyone understood before I went on.

    Never wager against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


    @ByteInBits PROGRAMMING QUEST #4 #98187 and #98369

    Sorting the list of random numbers was an interesting challenge in this task; for example, the correct ordering of 6531, 65 in set 4. Here’s how I tackled that part:

    def cnvrtsort(s):
    #convert set s to a list with string values sorted in descending order
    sstr = [str(elem) for elem in s]
    sl = list(sorted(sstr, reverse=True))
    sc =compare(sl)
    #Combine sc to get a single number and print

    def compare(s):
    #compare consecutive elements and swap if needed
    for i in range(0,len(s)-1):
    if s[i][:len(s[i+1])] == s[i+1]:
    a = s[i]
    b = s[i+1]

    if s[i+1]>rmv:
    #swap order
    s[i] = b
    return s


    @_madness_ Thank you, and sorry for my misunderstanding of your narrative which now make sense. @rob also helped get me there.


    @ByteInBits, It’s all cool.


    If anyone is interested in something almost as much fun as a seriated Polybius cipher, this programming challenge may or may not be hard. I don’t know. The challenge is to find a Pythagorean triple (x^2 + y^2 = z^2) where each number has more than 100 digits. To show you that it might be easy, here is one:




    But then again, maybe it’s hard.

    What’s harder? Constructing examples or checking they are right?! Harry

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