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The National Cipher Challenge

Bug Reporting

  • This topic has 26 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by pi_enthusiast.
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  • #97667

    I’d second @F6EXB_the_frenchy’s post #94235 regarding failure of the last post information to propagate upwards. It doesn’t appear to be just related to Harry’s edits.

    As of 14;42 BST 17th October 2024, the Maths forum tells me: “This topic has 2 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 20 hours ago by RickOShea”. That is not the case, there has been another post since then.

    It’s only a nicety, and nothing important, but there does seem to be something getting lost somewhere along the line. Could be caching somewhere?…

    It is definitely a bug masquerading as a feature and I am afraid we haven’t found a work-around yet. Been plaguing us for a while. Sorry. Harry


    I can’t access the leaderboard

    Sorry about that. You should be able to see your result on the certificate downloadable from your account page. I will check what is happening with the leaderboard itself. Harry


    The @names are not colour highlighting

    Not sure if this is a bug or a feature. Will talk to the team about it if we get a moment. Harry


    In the leaderboard, where is Chapter 2?

    For reasons that are not immediately apparent, towards the Bottom of the list, just above the Overall leaderboards. Will address that for next week! Harry



    For some reason i am not able to see the achievements my team has got. I only see two which are registering and posting something in the forum. Whereas the rest of my team can see achievements such as first submission and first correct submission. Not sure if im supposed to see them or only the team captain can. And also don’t know if anyone else has that same problem.


    A feature not a bug, but clearly we need to fix that as if it were a bug! Apologies and thanks for pointing it out. Harry


    “last updated” on the forum is stuck. The time just keeps increasing. Currently at 5 days and some hours.

    Thanks for pointing it out! Harry


    Harry, I thought I posted this previously, but maybe I didn’t hit submit.
    On the main Forum page, the number of pages for a Topic are not always showing the correct depth. A few are 3 deep but only showing 2 in the box you click to navigate direct to a particular page. Hope that makes sense.

    It does, and I am grateful to you for pointing it out. We are aware of this, but it hasn’t’t been a priority (yet) to fix it. Hopefully we will! Harry


    Nitpick, but on the leaderboard page the first dropdown lists the challenges in a peculiar order: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2, overall.

    …unless challenge 2 is hiding something ELITE 🙂


    Hi Harry,

    On my account page, in the submissions section, when I try to download certificates, it say I have 0% on some challenges even though I submitted them and got the message at the end. I do not know if this is intentional or incorrect.


    I think that is because you are looking at low score entries. In general we generate a certificate for each submission you make, so if you made a completely correct submission to a Challenge, then clicking on that submission will allow you to download the certificate with a score of 100%. I hope that is working as intended, but if not then email us with screenshots and we will look into it for you. Harry


    The countdown clock has disappeared – not that it really matters – but. . .why?

    One of the Elves borrowed it for use in Santa’s workshop. They have apologised and returned it to its rightful place. Thanks for pointing it out. Harry


    You are probably aware of this, but there seems to be a plague of nameless membership spreading — (almost) everyone has lost their username on the forum and has their role set to Member rather than Participant.

    Thanks for the headsup. The team are looking into it. Harry


    I’ve also seen ‘last updated by’ in the forums linking to something that doesn’t exist, and the posts not having accurate information on last updated and voices and such. Also something that probably only annoys me specifically is that the submissions section in my account always has 2A and 2B at the very bottom under all the other submissions (which are ordered correctly)


    Apologies about the submissions ordering. Will try to get that fixed for next year. The Forum has definite issues which arise from two entirely different sources: 1. Harry and the Elves sometimes approve posts out of order because they postpone publishing and then move on to other things. 2. The Forum software doesn’t quite do what we want, but it is too difficult to switch to something else. We will come back to this in the summer, but really can’t make any promises. We are grateful for you taking the time to remind us though. All the best, Harry

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