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The National Cipher Challenge

Bug Reporting

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  • #93735

    We try hard to avoid them, but bugs are a feature (or should that be “a bug?” of coding, so if you spot anything then let us know, here or by email. If you think you have found a security issue or someone is posting info about the solutions online, then email us instead at [email protected] with the word Security in the subject.

    Thank you!



    I think I found a bug on the chapter 9 deadlines.

    It says the time slot for getting 105 points is from the 12th of December 2024 to the 8th of December 2023, and then the time slot for getting 90 points goes from 8th of December 2023 to 14th of December 2024

    Though I’m not too unhappy about having a year to try get 90 points I’m a little more concerned about having negative time to try and get 105 and whether the time travel you’re using is strictly legal, lol.

    1. Nice catch. Time travel is not forbidden under the rules, and would go a long way to solving the prime factorisation problem. Let us know how you get on with that approach! Harry

    2. Thanks CodeKitten, we have this fixed now. Harry


    Nice catch. Time travel is not forbidden under the rules, and would go a long way to solving the prime factorisation problem. Let us know how you get on with that approach! Harry


    the is a backslash in ciphertext 0A

    There is, we know. It’s because we put the apostrophe in and the system doesn’t like it (for very good reasons). We toyed with taking it out, but then the Grammar Police complained, so we are living with it for now.  In the competition itself, punctuation doesn’t matter in your solutions because of the way we mark them, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem, but thanks for pointing it out. Harry


    In the index page, the “last post” column is not updated correctly. For example, in the thread “programming” the last post is from viaaa, not me.

    I think this is partly because when I edit things the post date changes, sorry. Harry


    Hi Harry,
    Is it intentional the case file archives seem to have been down for (at least) the last 24 hrs? I can’t find any trace of this being planned downtime on the news page.
    2018 onwards shows “Error establishing a database connection”.
    2016 & 17 show a generic problem page, but with a title “Database Connection Issues”.

    No it isn’t! Thanks for letting us know. The Elves will dig out their toolkits and take a look. Harry


    @Penguin, in the meantime, there is an unofficial copy of the texts from past competitions at


    Hi Harry,
    I found a bug on my BOSS id. It mentions that my id expiration date is 25/09/2024 but surely that has already passed?

    Thanks for the heads up. Fixed now! Harry


    The case file archives are down again. I get the message “Error establishing a database connection”

    Thank you for pointing this out. The poor old archives are getting on a bit and struggling with daily life. We will try to keep an eye on them and to give them the support they need. Perhaps we will be able to find them some more appropriate sheltered housing soon, so they can enjoy their retirement. Harry


    Harry, when you do, can we add the text files from ancient seasons too?

    That would be excellent, and I think I know just the man to help with that! Harry


    Hi Harry,

    In the forums our name is “The Code Club” but we changed our name after the messages were sent. Please could you change it?

    Thank you!!!!!

    Sorry, it would get a bit complicated updating these records so I am afraid we will have to leave this as it is. I will talk to the team about the possibility of changing the system in the future though. Harry


    On mobile, the dates for the deadline overlap, and I have to currently go into desktop version to see it fully! Thanks:)

    Thanks for pointing that out, we will take a look at it and see if we can do something better. Harry


    You switched from X to BlueSky, which may be a bug in itself, and…
    My browser says that has a syntax error, and maybe this is why your bsky posts do not appear on the NCC pages.
    “missing ( before catch” on line 41

    Thanks for mentioning this, but the Bluesky posts do appear on our browsers here at Elf HQ so it would be good to know wha the actual issue is. Can you send an email with screenshots and browser info? Thanks, Harry


    It seems that bsky does not approve of my old browser.
    A newer browser does not get as much hate, but I refuse to upgrade.

    That’s fine, no-one’s judging you. Harry


    It’s fixed now! Must have not set it right…

    Enjoy the challenges!!!

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