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The National Cipher Challenge

Are there invisible forums?

The mystery of the silver bullet Forums The Intelligence Room Are there invisible forums?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 months ago by bridges.
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  • #98957

    The description to case file 8.1 is “This is, at best, an elliptical clue, but given the discussion about Orthus in the forum, maybe you can make something of it in your solution to 8A. Once you have solved that you will get a hint for 8B in the reply. Good luck, Jodie”
    The only posts I saw about Orthus were after the case file was posted, so which discussion is it referring to?

    Harry, Jodie and the elves get to read the forum before it is posted, and sometimes delay publication to keep things interesting. So: hidden, but only temporarily.


    Harry, if one or more people posted about Orthus, but none of those posts were visible at the time, is it called a “discussion”? Can people discuss something without hearing each other?

    What a fascinating question! If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? Harry


    There was an enigmatic post asking “What is orthus?” posted after the challenge 8 opening time. That disappeared shortly afterwards and has not reappeared.


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