Reply To: Yet another 10B post
The mystery of the silver bullet › Forums › The Intelligence Room › Yet another 10B post › Reply To: Yet another 10B post
5th January 2025 at 10:15 pm
I have:
Organised the text into rows of 21.
Only taken the 2nd and 6th block of three from each row.
Made them all into letters based on 10.8.
Assumed the first half to be column and the second half to be row (like Polybius Squares previously).
Found the most common bigrams and ranked them, and assigned them letters accordingly.
Having done these, I am just wondering whether it should be a 6×6 or 5×5 square, as 6×6 is too many, but 5×5 would be missing a letter out of ADFGVX, which all seem ot be in the text. Am I on the right track?