Reply To: Extracurricular Challenges
The mystery of the silver bullet › Forums › The Intelligence Room › Extracurricular Challenges › Reply To: Extracurricular Challenges
Right, thank you for that. I’ll try again. Solution’s in square brackets, so please remove.
11000 10001 01100 11111 11000 11010 01111 00010 00110 01110
11110 00011 11111 00010 00001 11101 00000 10001 11110 01111
11111 00011 00000 10011 10000 11001 00000 11111 00000 10010
11001 11000 11111 00001 11100 11010 10100 01111 01110 11110
00111 10111 10100 00100 10111 10111 00010 00001 00000 10001
11110 00100 00000 10011 00111 10000 00101 01111 11000 11011
10000 01001 00001 01111 10100 00001 10101 11001 10000 10001
11001 10110 00111 00001 10010 00111 01100 00001 00010 01110
01100 10000 01011 00101 01000 01011 00010 01000 00110 11001
01001 00000 01101 11111 00010 11001 01000 01001 10110 00101
01001 01110 00011 01111 11110 10000 00101 10011 10001 10111
00001 01011 01001 10010 11001 10111 00000 00001 10110 10110
00010 10101 10011 00110 00001 01110 00011 01111 11110 10000
00101 10000 01000 10000 10110 10000 01000 01111 10110 00000
11111 10111 00001 01011 00100 00001 01010 00100 00100 01001
00001 00100 00100 10000 10010 00001 01001 10010 00011 01011
01100 01011 00100 00010 10010 11111 10011 11000 00000 10001
01001 00101 00000 10001 00010 10000 01000 01000 10000 00101
01000 01001 10
OK, this is close to impossible with the info given. I love it! I think you will need to give the forum members a little context for the message and perhaps a series of hints if you want them to have a real go at it. Up to you, but you have been warned! Harry