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The National Cipher Challenge

Reply To: Programming


I am guessing this is the first in a series of coding challenges, so have at it! I think the setter is as interested in the code you write as in the arithmetical answer! I will hold off on publishing your solutions for a while so others can have a go. Harry

Hopefully a reasonably easy one to kick off with.

******************************************************************** Question #1
Find a number X that when divided by 4 leaves a remainder of 3 and
when divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 1 and when divided by 7 leaves a
remainder of 2 and when divided by 11 also leaves a remainder of 2 and
when divided by 17 leaves a remainder of 12. (with X > 5,000 & x < 50,000)

—————– same question put another way
Find X
when X is divided by 4,5,7,11,17 and in turn leaves the remainders 3,1,2,2,12
(with X being greater than 5,000 but less than 50,000)

For all questions: Give your code and the printout from it.

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