Our leaderboard page shows standing for each part of each round of the competition together with overall leaderboards. In general we aim to get them published at around 11am at the start of the following round, though sometimes, if the Elves are busy, that can vary a little.
The part A leaderboards for each round are calculated entirely on your accuracy in the part A challenge, and those accuracy scores are combined to give the overall leaderboard for part A.
The part B leaderboards are based on accuracy and speed, and again those scores are combined across the competition to give a part B leaderboard.
Since the first three rounds are designated as Practice Challenges, we don’t use those rounds to compute the overall leaderboard, so if you didn’t join in until Challenge 4 you can still compete for first place on the overall leader boards.
At the end of the competition we will compute the final standings for part A and part B separately. Again part A will be computed on the basis of your accuracy in Challenges 4a-10A, while the part B leaderboard will be based on speed and accuracy.
Our prize winners will all share first place, our silver medallists will share second place and the remainder of the board will be listed from 3rd place onwards.
Of course you can also download your certificates at any time from your user account.
If you have any questions, do post them in the forum.
All the best,
Harry, Jodie and the Elves